Juror # 1 is a white woman in her 60’s, values life and is for the death penalty.
Juror # 2 an African American male in his mid 30’s opposed to the death penalty with very little prior knowledge of the case.
Juror #3 is a white female who lives with her mother, and aspiring to be an RN.
Juror# 4 African American female approximately 40 years old doesn’t watch the news and has no opinion on the death penalty.
Juror# 5 is a white female mid 60’s, 11th grade education and history of drug and alcohol abuse in her family.
Juror # 6 is a 32-year-old college graduate who’s traveled a lot in his career.
Juror # 7 is a white female age 41 with 3 years of college with a major in sociology and a mother who is a lawyer.
Juror # 8 is a white female in her 50’s, a former manager for Verizon with a moderate opinion of the death penalty.
Juror #9 is a white man, age 53 single, and leans more towards pro death penalty.
Juror #10 is a white man age 57, also works for Verizon with very little prior knowledge of the case.
Juror # 11 is a white male, mid 30’s, a teacher and said it would be hard for him to vote for death, he considers himself to be a fair man.
Juror # 12 is a white female in her 30’s who is strongly in favor of the death penalty; she worked at a daycare and thinks that first-degree murder of a child should end in the death penalty.
As you can see, the jurors came from all walks of life, different ages, different backgrounds, and different careers; in fact, 6 of the 12 jurors have children of their own!! I thought I would put forth a little background of each juror to pacify those criticizing the jury for their decision.
The fact is, jurors had Casey’s fate in the palm of their hands, they were not exposed to anything except the facts presented to them in the court of law. There was no Nancy Grace, no outside media interference at all, just cold hard facts and evidence all circumstantial. How can anyone doubt these people, when you are on the outside looking in? Sure the trial was televised, but we also had Nancy Grace screaming kill her in the background, read books and gossiped about it for months not to mention buried our emotions in this case. The jurors are to look at evidence presented to them in the court of law, not their emotions for a verdict. Perhaps they should have chosen a lesser sentence at first, maybe extreme child abuse since she did wait over a month to report her daughter missing, or went on evidence they did have before jumping in and running for the death penalty without physical proof, but the jurors can’t choose her charges, just give a verdict. ANYTHING could have happened with all the lies being told, I’ve heard several different scenarios that make complete sense. What if someone else was involved or she just knew about it? Some of the circumstantial evidence simply doesn’t add up, and fact is guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to charge someone in order for JUSTICE to be served.
For the record, I am angered that she got off so easily. I think this young lady did it or had something to do with her child’s murder, that even if she didn’t do it she should be in prison for a VERY long time, and counseling for her actions. She went out and PARTIED after her child was found. :/ I personally think Casey’s father George Anthony was involved. First off, he tried committing suicide, then, Caylee’s body was found beneath a heavy white board, which, as the defense pointed out, would have taken a full-grown man to lift, almost impossible for a 110 lb. Woman. On top of that, original pictures of the crime scene did not reveal the white board. It turned up after Casey Anthony was already in jail. Who knows with all of the lies? I’m sorry for speculating, but that’s all anyone on the outside can do!!!
It kills me to see children tossed out like a piece of trash, instead of treated like the precious treasures they are; especially when other women and I cannot conceive. Caylee could have found the cure for cancer, could have become president; the possibilities are absolutely endless!!

Rest in Peace miss Caylee Anthony, may you fly with the angels and know that in the end, justice WILL be served.
Excuse my poor grammar....I rushed to post@@